
【 Tongqing Fanghua 】 Weihai Purple Light 26 Years · Endless

【 Tongqing Fanghua 】 Weihai Purple Light 26 Years · Endless

How many storms have we gone through and what kind of picture have we drawnTakin...

【 International Cooperation 】 Weihai Ziguang and Norwegian k

【 International Cooperation 】 Weihai Ziguang and Norwegian k

On November 6th, at the 6th China International Import Expo, which attracted glo...

【 Corporate Culture 】 Weihai Ziguang 92nd Job Elite and Tech

【 Corporate Culture 】 Weihai Ziguang 92nd Job Elite and Tech

Brave climb to the summit, the most challenging moment is the relay run at the m...

【 Zhihui Ziguang 】 Chen Si, an engineer at Weihai Ziguang R&

【 Zhihui Ziguang 】 Chen Si, an engineer at Weihai Ziguang R&

Recently, Chen Si, an engineer at Weihai Ziguang R&D Center, won the second priz...

Social Performance: Art as a Bridge, Towards the Future - We

Social Performance: Art as a Bridge, Towards the Future - We

As neighboring countries separated by a strip of water, China and South Korea ha...

[Honor Update] Breaking through Key Technologies, Weihai Zig

[Honor Update] Breaking through Key Technologies, Weihai Zig

Honor crowned, forge ahead! Recently, the Office of the Natural Resources Scienc...



跨山海界限,踏国际征程,走共赢之路 一场跨越国界的商业交流,一次携手共进的合作机会,10月18日,比利时法兰德斯中国商会行政总裁Gwenn Sonck...






迎中秋 贺国庆中秋国庆// 月与国同辉,人与家团圆 //欢度中秋 喜迎国庆中秋月满乾坤,国庆星耀华夏。情满双节,举国同庆。威海紫光董事长李泥亭先生,以【中秋锦...

【精彩回顾】融生共进 守正出新——紫光优健2023年度精英客户私享会成功举办

【精彩回顾】融生共进 守正出新——紫光优健2023年度精英客户私享会成功举办

最新消息9月22—24日,以“融生共进 守正出新”为主题紫光优健2023年度精英客户私享会圆满落幕。会议聚焦健康产业发展趋势,与相关领域顶尖专家学者、知名行业营...



威海紫光通过设立“博士后创新实践基地”,推动科技创新与人才工作紧密结合,以创新引领发展,以人才驱动创新,以实践证明成效。 9月14日下午,威海紫光“博士后创新实...