[Gratitude to Employees] Weihai Ziguang 97th Elite Gratitude Activity

Observe the situation wisely, control the situation and win

In the face of the changing times

Weihai Ziguang takes innovation as its wings

Improve quality and efficiency, keep integrity and innovation

Deeply cultivate R&D and intensively cultivate the market

Driven by new qualitative growth

Strengthen technological innovation, management innovation and model breakthroughs

Help enterprises move forward steadily on the journey of high-quality development


On August 9th, the 97th Weihai Unigroup Thanksgiving Activity was held in the auditorium of the Intelligent Industrial Park, where management, post elites and employee representatives gathered together to welcome the new talents, pay tribute to dedication and celebrate their birthdays.

Thanksgiving era, singing the motherland


Professional focus on health, do not forget the original intention to take on the mission; Thanks to the correct leadership of the party, the company is rooted in the fertile soil for broad development and achieves rapid growth and growth.

Firm belief and keep the original intention


Unify thoughts, share values, all Ziguang colleagues take an oath, express persistence with actions, and let faith burst out with strength.

Raise talents, new employees and new strength


Express expectations and expectations, and inherit responsibilities and missions. Ms. Sai Fenglian, the workshop director of Weihai Ziguang Science and Technology Park, issued badges to the new employees.

Glory inspires, salutes employees


An affirmation, a respect, a thanks. The dedicated and conscientious elites received honors and commendations, and shared their personal work experience and experience.


Ms. Zhan Xuying, Deputy General Manager of Weihai Ziguang Jinaoli Division, Mr. Wang Wenfeng, Director of Weihai Ziguang R&D Center, Mr. Sun Hongqiang, Director of Weihai Ziguang Nanbo Bay Workshop, and Mr. Liu Tao, Director of Weihai Ziguang Youjian Workshop, presented honorary trophies and red envelopes to the post elites.


Based on the strugglers, Weihai Ziguang is sincerely grateful and gives back to the outstanding employees for their contributions to the development of the company, and the management representatives bow to express their gratitude.

Happy birthday and joy together


Time is joyful, happy and happy. Ms. Jiang Shaobo, director of the logistics department of Weihai Ziguang, presented exquisite cakes to the elites on their birthdays in August, conveying the company's infinite warmth to employees.

Commend the advanced and stimulate innovation


Gathering "golden ideas" and exploring "golden keys", Ms. Liu Xiaohua, director of the Human Resources and Administration Department of Weihai Unigroup, awarded honorary medals and red envelopes to teams and individuals who carried out technological innovation in the production field and achieved outstanding results.

Communicate and share and broaden your thinking


In the exchange and sharing session of this thanksgiving activity, I listened to the wonderful sharing of Ms. Zhang Linlin, deputy director of Weihai Unisplendour R&D Center, Mr. Zhang Chao, sales manager of Weihai Unisplendour Medicine and Food Homology Division, and Mr. Yu Xiaohui, head of Weihai Unisplendour Human Resources and Administrative Information Department, to gain an in-depth understanding of how to help the marketing department move forward with R&D and build solid product barriers in the wave of the era of market involution; False propaganda and the standardized use of prohibited words in the process of e-commerce movement, and how the company can improve the overall operational efficiency with information construction.

Hand in hand with Ziguang and grow together


Sublimating the feelings of gratitude with singing, promoting corporate culture with musical notes, telling the mission and responsibility, and inspiring the dream of forging ahead, all Ziguang colleagues listened to the corporate song played by Erhu, and performed the sign language dance of "Holding Hands with Ziguang" with colleagues from the Quality Promotion Center.

The future is here, and the future is here. Weihai Unigroup will always uphold the spirit of innovation, take new qualitative growth as the engine, continue to explore and conduct in-depth research, refine products and services, refine the management process, take quality as the foundation, achieve a far-reaching future, and draw a blueprint for high-quality development.
