[Exhibition Review] One episode will take a while, but it's not enough. Weihai Ziguang looks forward to meeting you again

On May 17th, the 88th National Drug Fair was successfully concluded. At this exhibition, Weihai Ziguang made a brilliant debut with "multiple series" star products and "personalized" solutions. With a profound brand accumulation of 27 years of professional service in the field of nutrition and health food, it attracted many visitors to visit and negotiate.


Fine layout and dual booth display

In this exhibition, Weihai Ziguang has a precise layout based on different applicable fields and zoning classification, focusing on products such as Jin Aoli, Aoli Dun, and special medical meals. Its business strength in OEM/ODM and cross-border e-commerce is showcased on the "dual booth" platform.


The product matrix is diverse, with a gathering of star products

From high-quality nutrition and health products to an innovative product matrix with multiple health categories such as functional foods, special medical meals, and medicinal food homology, Weihai Ziguang continuously practices the brand concept of independent innovation. At the exhibition, multiple new and star products from Weihai Ziguang were showcased, with a diversified product line that gained the favor and recognition of numerous audiences.


Leading independent innovation and solving consumer pain points

Behind the highly favored products on site is Weihai Ziguang's commitment to technological innovation centered around user needs. With a keen sense of the market, rich research and development experience, and innovative capabilities, Weihai Ziguang has transformed more technological innovation into product achievements. As of now, the company has over 1100 product codes, more than 10000 partners, and more than 200000 radiation terminals, with a business scope covering the world.


One phase for a while, working together for mutual benefit

In the future, Weihai Ziguang hopes to work with more partners to continuously improve technology and transform it into product achievements, meet the refined needs of consumers, and give back to the market with higher quality products and services, bringing more nutritional and health products to thousands of users.

Weihai Ziguang and You Meet Again at the Next Exhibition
